Wordpress Plugin Use Shortcodes in Sidebar Widgets

See below for desciption

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Use Shortcodes in Sidebar Widgets


Support enquiries at mail [at] softcontent [dot] eu

Enquiries about bugs and suggestiosn on further development are free of charge. However, if you need support on installiung or customizing the plugin we'd happily provide a quote.

What the Plugin does

Use Shortcodes in Sidebar Widgets does exactly what it's name would suggest: It lets you execute shortcodes in text sidebar widgets. It's an extremly light plugin as it's basically a one-liner. Simply install and activate. No settings needed.


To install the plugin and get it working

To install the plugin and get it working

  1. Unzip use-shortcodes-in-sidebar-widgets.zip and create a new directory '/wp-content/plugins/use-shortcodes-in-sidebar-widgets'
  2. Upload the contents to your '/wp-content/plugins/wp-app-store-connect' directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Done. Now you can use any shortcodes in a text sidebar widget.


1.0 Initial Release

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